Not setting New Year’s “Day” Resolutions

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Today is January 6th, ok, not quite January 1, the first of the year, but a good time as any to get started.

I’ve lost any desire to implement any “New Year’s Resolutions” because it’s evident to me that if you are forced to start on something before you’re actually ready, that you’re that much more likely to fail.

Success requires planning, preparation – both strategically and mentally.  And no one is doing that, at least I can confidently say that I’m not doing that in the week between Christmas and New Year’s  day.

So, I’m ok with it being January 6, and I’m preparing to undertake a lot of changes and improvements this year – just don’t make me start on the 1st of the year, because I haven’t recovered from the Christmas Holidays yet.

Welcome to Dot’s Perspective

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Dot’s Perspective has been percolating in my head for a long long time – at least since 2017, when this website was first created.

My original intention was to become a type of podcaster or commentator on life lessons and observations of events and situations occurring which may or may not affect each and every one of us either directly or indirectly.

Then, the dreaded Covid Lockdowns occurred.  To say that this turned my entire world upside down, and caused me to question every belief I had would be an understatement.

Friendships dissolved, partnerships ended and family relations became strained.

Ironically, this site was created for me to discuss my beliefs, but the world has changed so much in the past THREE years, that I NOW feel like I’ve lost sight of what those beliefs are and I will have to go within and reevaluate where I stand in terms of those very same beliefs I entertained before the world was shaken metaphorically by those in power.

This site, it seems is for my own growth as well.